There was a scuffle in Kiev on Maidan

21 November 2017, 22:04 | Kiev 
фото с УРА-Информ

The conflict arose between activists and the police, after the protesters tried to set up tents on the Maidan. According to eyewitnesses, law enforcement officers tried to prevent activists from installing two tents.

About six o'clock in the evening police officers lined up in two ranks and began to crowd out the protesters from tents. During such actions, brawls periodically broke out, as activists beat and insulted policemen.

At the same time law enforcement agents did not use special means. After 20 minutes of confrontation, policemen left Maydan Nezalezhnosti.

Currently, about 50 protesters continue the action.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, that today in Ukraine celebrate the Day of Virtue and Liberty. Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Vadim Troyan said that in the center of Kiev in connection with the celebration, the protection of order. According to him, security in the central streets of the capital will be provided by more than 3.5 law enforcers and fighters of the National Guard.

Источник: УРА-Информ