In Kiev near the Eternal Flame put up a guard from the veterans of the ATU

21 November 2017, 19:11 | Kiev 
фото с Корреспондент.net

Head of the All-Ukrainian Union of ATU veterans Ilya Kiva said that he is guarding the Eternal Flame in Kiev's Glory Park. He wrote this on his Facebook page after the monument was flooded twice with cement. "As the head of the public organization of the All-Ukrainian Union of Veterans of the ATU, I take responsibility and take under the protection of the memory of the soldiers who gave their lives for the liberation of Ukraine from Nazi Germany," he wrote. Kiva also said that today at 20. 00 guard from the veterans of the ATU will join the guard of the Eternal Flame. Recall, November 7 in the capital's park of Glory, unknown people poured cement Eternal Flame. On the night of November 20, the vandals repeated their act.

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Источник: Корреспондент.net