Causes of allergies: tips

21 November 2017, 15:50 | Health 
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Allergy is characterized by increased sensitivity of the body to certain substances. Allergens for a person susceptible to allergies can become like any smell, as well as the fur of cats, dogs, pollen of flowers and trees, some products. Some components of household chemicals can also become allergens.

Causes of allergies.

Allergy is a disease that can occur suddenly, but also allergy can also suddenly disappear.

Allergy is also envy of heredity. In 25% of cases, the allergy is the hereditary condition. It can also be assumed that if a child is born and one parent suffers from an allergy, the child will have an allergy in 25% of cases, if allergies are susceptible to both parents, then the likelihood of allergies increases to 80%. This should be taken into account by young parents and carefully introduced the first lure into the baby's diet.

As already mentioned, the occurrence of allergies can be preceded by various odors. So, for example, the strongest allergy can cause pollen of trees: a birch, a linden, an apple-tree, a pine. Some plants: dandelion, wheat.

The strongest manifestation of allergies can cause a bite of insects. Wools of pets can also affect the occurrence of allergies.

Food allergies can cause such foods as: strawberries, cow milk, eggs, citrus fruits, nuts.

Gold and tin can also cause allergies.

Symptoms of an allergy.

Symptoms of the disease include severe lacrimation, itching in the nose.

With food allergies, both pruritus and severe redness can occur, skin irritation. Rashes may occur, as well as fluid-filled blisters.

Prevention of allergies.

The most common prevention of allergies is to stay away from allergens. During the active flowering period, keep the windows closed. When leaving the street wear a face mask.

Often go home, clean all carpets and carpets. Try not to accumulate dust at home. Do not forget that all the paper, books stored for a long time accumulate a lot of dust, which can also cause your allergy.

nmkd. en.

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