In Ukraine, vaccination tourism is becoming popular

21 November 2017, 13:11 | Science 
фото с Корреспондент.net

In Ukraine, a new type of tourism is emerging in Europe - vaccine. Parents who could not find any vaccines in our country increasingly decide to take their children to school abroad, writes Today. As the newspaper writes, one of the users of Alisa Protsenko said that she could not find a vaccine from meningococcus (viral meningitis) in the local polyclinic, from which three children died in Kiev. Therefore, the woman asked the question: is it possible to instill a two-year-old son during a trip to the EU. Her idea was liked by several other parents who offered to co-operate and organize a group tour for vaccines for children. According to Kyiv's Anna Biruk, who supported the vaccination tour, the idea itself is not new - before the granting of visa-free Ukraine there were companies that issued a special visa for medical trips. "They met you at the airport, recorded to the doctors in advance, acted as interpreters during communication, and helped with the execution of documents. Now everything is much simpler - the husband flew in early summer to Germany. He agreed and paid all the bills in the clinic, "- says Biruk. To date, anyone can go to a polyclinic in Europe and be vaccinated. "The main thing beforehand is to make an appointment with a doctor and book a vaccine. In the place you will only need to provide a vaccination passport so that the doctor knows which vaccinations and when they did it, "said Svetlana Dichkova, who has a similar experience. She also added that it is best to get vaccinated in Poland - it is closer and the same vaccine will cost about 1000 UAH. In Germany, she said, the vaccine will cost up to 1500 UAH. At the same time, Natalia Natalia noted that she had already found the right vaccine in Poland and registered with a doctor at the beginning of December: "We will also do the same from pneumococcus and influenza. It is worth it all for four (two children and my husband and I) about 20-25 thousand hryvnia ". Recall, Ukraine on child vaccination was in the Top 8 worst countries in the world.

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Источник: Корреспондент.net