Hand baths

21 November 2017, 10:35 | Health 
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Hand baths are a great way to care for your hands at home. You will need such well-known herbs as chamomile, calendula or sage, which are sold in all pharmacies. For oil baths suitable oils such as olive, sunflower, sea-buckthorn. Read the detailed article!.

Among the folk remedies for hand care, both for the general tone of the skin of the hands, and in preparation for manicure, the baths take the first place in terms of the effectiveness and simplicity of the procedure. Today we will talk about herbal and oil baths, which can be easily prepared at home.

Herbal bath trays.

Among the variety of herbs sold in our pharmacies, or growing in the middle band of Russia, folk medicine recommends such tools as chamomile, sage, calendula, celandine, and in some cases (in case of problems with the skin of hands) - the bark of oak, St. John's Wort.

Preparation of a tray on herbs.

To prepare a bath you will need a deep ceramic or plastic bowl, in which you will need to pour the broth and then dip your hands. For different herbs, there are different ways of making a decoction.

Be sure to wash your hands before putting them in the tub!.

Chamomile or calendula.

Chamomile is good for preparation for manicure, as it kills the fungus and acts as a general antiseptic, which is very beneficial for the health of the skin opening in the water. Calendula is also suitable for more universal tasks for the disinfection of the skin and its complex purification. For these two herbs recipes are similar. Herbs do not need to be mixed, choose one of them. Boil 500 ml. (2 cups) of water. Take one tablespoon of dried marigold or shell. and add to boiling water. Keep the mixture for 3-5 minutes on a very quiet fire, not letting the broth boil. When the liquid acquires a rich, mellow color, remove the broth from the fire and strain it, pour into a ceramic or plastic container prepared for the bath and let it fall to room temperature. The bath is ready - lower your hands for 10-15 minutes and have fun!.

Oak bark.

If you are faced with diathesis rashes, inflammatory processes or skin irritation, for example from household cleaners, the best solution will be a tub on the oak bark. You will need, as well as for the previous recipe, to boil half a liter (2 cups) of water and add during the boiling one tablespoon of oak bark. Then you need to reduce the heat and cook the grass for 5-10 minutes, not letting the broth boil. Then pour it through gauze into cooked dishes, cool to room temperature and immerse hands for 10-15 minutes.

St. John's Wort.

In cold weather, hands are often weather-beaten. St. John's wort is an excellent remedy that removes the effects of weathering, heals small wounds and cracks in the hands. The recipe for making a bath with St. John's wort is similar to the previous two. The procedure time is also 10-15 minutes.

Baths in oil.

For the care of hands, their moisturizing and nourishing, often apply certain oils. Against the dryness of the skin sunflower or olive oil is good, for intensive nutrition - sea buckthorn. Oils can be mixed at will.

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