This vitamin can increase a woman's chances of successful conception

21 November 2017, 10:16 | Health 
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As the The Daily Mail reports, the staff of the University of Birmingham observed for 2700 women who were treated by reproductologists. It turned out that patients who had a normal vitamin level were 33% more likely to give birth and 46% were more likely to get pregnant.

This explains why it is easier to conceive in the summer and autumn, when the body has time to accumulate vitamin thanks to the sun. Also, scientists believe that the findings are relevant for women undergoing IVF, and for women who conceive naturally. There is a theory: vitamin D suppresses the inflammatory response from the immune system. This increases the chances of the embryo to successfully attach to the lining of the uterus at the very beginning of pregnancy.

By the way, vitamin D is important for the development of the fetus. It affects the growth of the baby's bones at the stage of intrauterine development. However, it is impossible to blindly take supplements with vitamin. Its excess can lead to the fact that too much calcium will accumulate in the body. And this, on the contrary, will weaken the bones, harm the heart and kidneys.


