In China, the robot passed the doctor's exam

13 November 2017, 17:56 | Technologies 
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In China, the robot passed the mandatory for the Chinese doctors test of the National Medical Licensing Examination, thus becoming the first robot in the world to pass the exam, according to the China Daily. Its developer iFlytek Co Ltd, a leading Chinese company engaged in artificial intelligence, said that the robot scored 456 points, which is 96 points higher than the required minimum. According to the developers, the robot with artificial intelligence can collect and analyze information about the patient and put a preliminary diagnosis. It will be used to help doctors to improve the effectiveness of their treatment in the future. As stated in iFlytek, the robot is scheduled for launch in production in March 2018, however, it is not intended to replace doctors. In China, the development of artificial intelligence is a national strategy. The leadership of the country intends to surpass the US and become a global leader in the field of AI by 2030. Recall, Stephen Hawking predicted the death of humanity due to robots.

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Источник: Корреспондент.net