Predicting the 2008 crisis, the economist "buried" the crypto currency

13 November 2017, 02:08 | Technologies 
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Nouriel Roubini is an economist, a professor at the University of New York and an analyst who predicted the global financial crisis of 2008, thanks to which he became widely known. The other day, Roubini, while in Warsaw, gave an interview to Business Insider, in which he told that with the advent of regulation Bitcoin and other crypto currencies awaits an unenviable future.

For example, the professor led China. There, according to him, the activities of exchangers are already prohibited, along the way, laws are being developed, new rules governing the circulation and extraction of crypto currency. Now on similar bills work and in a number of other countries. Roubini is confident that when these laws are passed, the crypto-currencies will come to an end.

In addition, he noted that it is difficult to call a crypto currency a full-fledged and serious means of payment and accumulation of savings, because its cost is affected by too many factors. The analyst noted that Bitcoin is now in a huge speculative bubble and is eating himself. He called for careful investment in this area. This is not the first time Roubini attacked the crypto currency. Similar forecasts he made earlier, in 2014. However, unlike the crisis of 2008, in this case, the expert did not specify the exact terms.

Against this unquestionably authoritative opinion, there are other, often completely contradictory statements that are made by far from the last people.

Источник: InternetUA