Rogerio Seni headed Fortaleza

11 November 2017, 15:31 | Football 
Рожерио Сени, getty images

The new head coach of Fortaleza was the famous Brazilian goalkeeper Rogerio Seni.

On the appointment of Rogerio Seni reported official tweeter of Fortaleza.

# m1tonofortaleza pic. twitter. com / t132JABth2 - Fortaleza EC (@FortalezaEC) November 10, 2017.

The contract with Seni is calculated until the end of the next season - until the end of 2018. More detailed conditions are not disclosed. Under the leadership of Rogerio Fortaleza will perform in the Brazilian Serie B, where she made her way for the first time since 2009.

Seni already tried himself as a coach, but held out at the head of Sao Paulo for about six months, after which he was sacked due to poor results.

Rogerio - the best scorer among goalkeepers in the history of world football. The Brazilian scored 132 goals (70 with a penalty and 62 with free throws).

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