Karavayev: Now the strongest player of the national team - Andrei Yarmolenko

10 November 2017, 15:21 | Football 
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Alexander Karavaev said what his nickname in the team and who, in his opinion, the best football player in the world.

Midfielder of the Dawn and the national team of Ukraine, Alexander Karavaev commented on the situation in the Ukrainian team.

"The difference of the game is the right-back in the national team and in Zara?" The team has to connect more to the attack, and in Zara they try to secure their gates more, "Karavaev said in the comments of FFU.

"Andriy Shevchenko now gives a lot of chances for young players, before you were released for one match, if not showed a good game, all".

"Who is the best friend in the team? I do not even know. There is no one who has become friends with everyone. All communicate well with each other ".

"How do they call me on the pitch?" Basically, "Kara", but many joke "toothache".

"Now the strongest player of Ukraine is Andrei Yarmolenko. This is the leader of the team, he has been playing at a high level for many years ".

"What team do I support? I follow Barcelona a lot, there are great players who have much to learn from. I really like the championship of Spain, there combinational football, a lot of technical elements in the game ".

"The best player in the world?" Messi. He's a genius, Leo does things that do not fit into his head ".

Match Ukraine - Slovakia will be held on Friday, at the Arena Lviv. The beginning of the match at 20:00. Live broadcast on Ukraine and Football 2.

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Источник: football.ua