Le Pen was deprived of his parliamentary immunity

09 November 2017, 02:15 | Policy 
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This decision was made for the fact that she published photographs of the victims of the terrorist group of the Islamic State in her Twitter account. As reported by the French media, the relevant decision, at the request of law enforcement agencies, was taken by the Bureau of the National Assembly of France, which organizes the work of the lower house of parliament.

The Bureau was also reminded that photos Le Pen published in December 2015 in protest against the fact that the "National Front" was compared with the militants of the group. Then the police are open against the policy of judicial proceedings.

Recall as reported URA-Inform, in March 2017 for the deprivation of Le Pen parliamentary immunity voted the European Parliament, whose deputy it was since 2004. One of the reasons for this decision was also the placement of photos of the victims of IGIL.

Источник: УРА-Информ