Back pain hurts

08 November 2017, 14:38 | Health 
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A new foreign study on twins revealed: mortality from all causes with back pain increased by 13%.

About how the pain in the back kills us, according to the latest issue of the European Journal of Pain.

Back pain is a very common complaint, one of the main reasons for going to the doctor and temporary disability in the world.

According to the Mayo Clinic (USA), approximately 80% of people at least once in their lives complain about this problem.

Although it can overtake you at any age, most often back pain occurs between 35 and 55 years. Most often the pain appears as a result of degenerative diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Back pain and mortality: cryptic connection.

A small study involving 4,390 Danish twins, who were observed during life, turned the notion of many people about "non-fatal" radiculitis. For the first time on genetically identical participants, it was demonstrated that back pain increases the death rate from all causes, as well as from heart diseases.

"Our new study helped to establish that the presence of back pain (regardless of the spine) increases mortality from all causes by 13% per year. Frightening figures for people who are confident that their disease is not life threatening, "- says the project manager Paulo Ferreira (Paulo Ferreira).

Dr. Paulo Ferreira is a professor of medicine at the University of Sydney, actively involved in epidemiological research in the field of physiotherapy. The co-author of the work was Dr. Matthew Fernandez (Matthew Fernandez).

According to the authors, the genetic identity of the twins completely excludes the influence of "bad" heredity on the results of work.

"These results need to be rechecked, but the connection between pain in the back and mortality is very clear. The question is, what is behind it?. Diseases of the spine can be a manifestation of poor health in general and reduced physical performance - this is a risk factor, "argues Ferreira.

Dr. Fernandez lamented that the rapidly aging population still does not suspect the hidden dangers inherent in "harmless" back pain and the associated limitation of mobility. Meanwhile, the body requires a correction of lifestyle, special medical exercises and maintenance of activity.

Radiculitis - no reason to forget about the movement!.

A previous study found that the most popular drug for pain in the back of paracetamol is ineffective and fraught with a mass of side effects.

Australian scientists also touched upon this curious discovery.

"A significant proportion of analgesics are ineffective with back pain, the operation does not always bring the desired result. The best treatment for radiculitis and similar problems is a healthy lifestyle, including limited physical activity, "Professor Ferreira recommends.

medbe. en.

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