Useful properties of badjan

08 November 2017, 11:50 | Health 
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Badyan - a widespread spice. Sometimes it is confused with the usual anise, these plants are from the same family and are similar in their useful properties. In our country, baden was brought by travelers from the East in the early Middle Ages. Numerous written sources praise traditional printed gingerbread with honey - and so they were prepared with the addition of starlets (fruits) badjana. This plant has numerous medicinal, culinary and cosmetic properties, and is a frequent guest on tables and residents of the east, and Europeans.

Useful properties of badjan Traditionally badon is used in cooking. Moreover, the hallmark of modern European cuisine is the addition of this spice in tea and coffee. Some types of teas and coffee for weight loss do with badges. The reason is an easy diuretic effect of spice, as well as a unique ability to improve digestion and reduce appetite. Not surprisingly, the taste of this seasoning is associated in most people with pastries, and a cup of hot tea with such a flavor may well replace dessert.

In the eastern kitchen, buckwheat is used for poultry, but in European cuisine it is more for sweets and curd casseroles. Add spice and jam, especially famous for this cherry jam from Austria. To taste the food with badon was complete, you must follow the rules - add seasoning only 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, not before.

In folk medicine use badyon tincture. The plant contains tannins, essential oils, antioxidants. The composition allows it to be a good antispasmodic and a natural counterpart of popular disinfectants. Tincture 1 tablespoon badjana on 1 l of boiled water use at a sweating of feet and a foot fungus for foot baths. In addition, this solution is added to bath water if there are furuncles and skin diseases.

your-diet. en.

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