The era ended. Trump made a big statement about the DPRK

06 November 2017, 15:59 | Policy 
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President Donald Trump said that the era of strategic patience with the DPRK is over About this Trump said during a joint press conference in Tokyo with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

"Some criticize my harsh rhetoric ... But, look at what led to very weak rhetoric over the past 25 years. Look, where we are now, "- quotes Trump CNN.

Premier Abe added that Japan and the United States are in "full agreement" on the future policy towards the DPRK. According to Abe, now all options for solving the North Korean problem on the table.

In 2017, the situation on the Korean peninsula worsened after a number of missile and nuclear tests of the North Korean regime. North Korea launched intercontinental ballistic missiles several times toward Japan.

On August 5, 2017, the UN Security Council adopted new sanctions against Pyongyang against the backdrop of systematic rocket tests of the DPRK. They can dispense with the DPRK in almost a billion dollars.

On September 3, South Korean authorities announced the sixth recently tested nuclear weapons of the DPRK. The reason for the statement was an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6, possibly of artificial origin, on the territory of North Korea.

Later, the authorities of the DPRK officially announced that they had successfully conducted a hydrogen bomb test.

Source: HB.
