In Kiev, unknown people shot a taxi driver

06 November 2017, 12:00 | Kiev 
фото с Корреспондент.net

In Kiev on Sunday, November 5, two unknown persons attacked a taxi driver and fired two shots. This is reported by Kiev Operative on his Facebook page.

It is noted that the incident occurred on the avenue of Academician Zabolotny. There are suggestions that the unknown wanted to rob a taxi driver.

"There was a daring attack on the taxi driver. According to preliminary information, two unknown people wanted to rob a taxi driver. Just because the driver did not give up, and the attackers made two shots. One got in the middle finger on the hand, the other - in the head. Fortunately, the driver is alive, now he is in the hospital, "- said in a statement.

Sets the details of the incident. The search for criminals continues.


Look at the photo gallery: In Kiev, unknown people shot a taxi driver Recall, previously reported that in Kiev, the driver of Uber arranged an accident and disappeared.

Written by: 1.

Источник: Корреспондент.net