The inhabitant of Zhytomyr region seized the arsenal of weapons

02 November 2017, 17:30 | The Company 
фото с УРА-Информ

In the Zhytomyr region, a local resident took an entire arsenal of weapons. Such data was disseminated by the General Directorate of the National Police of the region - using the Facebook page.

It is known that two grenades RGD-5, as well as 35 cartridges to the Kalashnikov assault rifle, were kept by a 41-year-old resident of Ovruch. During the search, law enforcement officers, as well as the cynologist-border guard with the dog, identified illegal ammunition, after which they were seized.

As reported URA-Inform, the cache with ammunition was previously revealed in the ATU zone - in the vicinity of the settlement Zaitsevo. Found mines, grenades and shells.

Источник: УРА-Информ