On Thursday the heat will return to Ukraine again

02 November 2017, 06:37 | The Company 
фото с УРА-Информ

As a result, the air temperature will rise. At the same time, in most regions of Ukraine, except for the southern regions, the rains will continue to flow, in the east with wet snow, and in the west the wind will increase in places.

The wind is south-westerly, 7-12 meters per second, in the western part the gusts can reach 15-20 meters per second.

The air temperature during the day will be 7-12 degrees Celsius.

Today in Kiev again will wait. The air temperature at night will be 3-5 warm degrees. In the afternoon it will warm up to 9-11 degrees.

In the west of Ukraine it also rains. The air temperature at night will be 1-7 degrees Celsius. In the afternoon the air will warm up to 7-14 degrees.

In the northern regions of Ukraine on Thursday, forecasters also promise rainy weather.

At night, the air temperature will range from 0 to 6 degrees Celsius. In the afternoon it will warm up to 7-12 degrees.

In the center of the country today in some places a little rain. The air temperature at night will range from 0 to 6 degrees with a plus sign. The day will be 5 to 11 degrees Celsius.

In the east of Ukraine, rain, at night with wet snow. The air temperature at night will vary from 0 to 5 degrees below zero. The day will be from 4 to 9 degrees.

Today in the south of Ukraine it is dry and warm. The air temperature at night will be 0-6 degrees above zero. In the afternoon the air will warm up to 8-13 degrees.

In Crimea on Thursday weather forecasters also do not promise rainfall. At night, the air temperature at night will be 1-6 degrees Celsius. In the afternoon it will warm up to 7-13 degrees.

Источник: УРА-Информ