Allergy to cold: what to do

07 October 2017, 01:34 | Health 
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If in the cold you immediately begin to itch your face and hands, reddens your skin and becomes difficult to breathe, then, most likely, you are allergic to the cold. Symptoms of such an allergy are similar to those of colds - it's a runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, redness of the skin. And they can manifest themselves not only during frosts, but also during contact with cold water or under the influence of an air conditioner.

An allergic reaction to cold also has pinkish rashes on the skin that can appear even if you just drank something cold.

Also, the effects of allergy to cold can be peeling skin and red spots on the face and hands.

The remedy for an allergic reaction to cold is quite simple - it's warm. If on the face and hands suddenly there were rashes, go to the heat and drink something hot.

Limit contact with cold water, wash only with warm water. Give up synthetic and woolen clothes, especially for those items that come in contact with the body. Choose cotton and linen clothes.

With an allergic rhinitis you can fight with special drops, but do not forget that their effectiveness decreases with regular application. It's best to wrap yourself in a blanket and drink hot tea.

If your eyes are suddenly weighed and shed, it can become symptoms of both cold allergy and, for example, conjunctivitis. To check, go to a warm room, if it were allergy symptoms, then they will soon pass. If the allergic reaction is manifested through such symptoms here, then try to temporarily give up wearing contact lenses and eye makeup.

If at each exit to the street in the cold season, you notice sharp headaches, then do not forget about the headdresses, they will help you solve the problem.

Remember that the diagnosis of "cold allergy" should be made only by a doctor. In the presence of the described symptoms, consult him for advice so as not to confuse the allergic reaction with a more serious illness.

sportzal. com.


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