Scientists have found the cause of hair loss

06 October 2017, 16:53 | Health 
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Japanese scientists say they have found the reason why people with age have less strength in their hair.

Specialists cosmetic company Kao Corporation identified the gene for aging hair. The degree of his activity is inversely related to the lived years.

It is supposed that the opening will allow to more effectively slow down this process, allowing to keep the elasticity and splendor of the head of hear to the advanced age.

After analysis of the hair patterns taken from 127 girls and women, whose age range ranged from 11 to 70 years, it was found that the activity of the VEGF gene decreases with years, which leads to a deterioration in the state of the hair cover.

It is also known that this gene participates in the mechanism of formation of blood vessels. From this, Kao experts concluded that by stimulating blood circulation, the gene helps to saturate the roots of hair with substances necessary to maintain their growth and strength.

sportzal. com.


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