In Paris, another terrorist attack was prevented

03 October 2017, 14:06 | Incidents 
фото с УРА-Информ

French Interior Minister Gerard Colombe reported that in one of the Parisian districts the police had secured a detonator and an explosive device. A pair of three cylinders with a telephone attached to them was also rendered harmless.

As it turned out, three of the detainees were on the lists of "suspicious, yet another identified as" particularly radicalized ".

Earlier in the city of San-Charles, a terrorist was killed, who attacked two French citizens and stabbed them. The responsibility for the deed was assumed by the organization of IGIL.

The French leadership plans to introduce a special system for registering all refugees coming to the country, as well as to strengthen police control in places of mass congestion of people, tourist and government institutions.

As reported in the "URA-Inform", recently the French police carried out a search in one of the apartments that in the south of Paris. It was found that the facility had been found to prepare explosives and the explosive itself.

Источник: УРА-Информ