Quality hand washing reduces the need for antibiotics

03 October 2017, 09:11 | Health 
фото с NeBoley.com.ua

Scientists are sure that if people washed their hands well, one third of cases of diarrhea and 16% of respiratory tract infections could be prevented.

Meanwhile, as shown by the survey carried out by the RPS, in which more than two thousand people took part, most people treat hand washing without due attention. 84% of respondents wash their hands less than the recommended 20 seconds, 65% do not always wash their hands before eating, and half do not wash their hands after petting animals, including pets. 32% of respondents do not wash their hands before cooking, and a fifth of respondents (21%) do not always wash their hands after going to the toilet.

Source: News Yu.


Источник: NeBoley.com.ua