In the Zaporozhye region locomotive crashed into the car

02 October 2017, 23:45 | Incidents 
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As a result of the accident, the driver of the car entered the hospital. According to the regional department of the National Police, according to preliminary information in the accident, the driver of a car is to blame.

The man ignored the prohibiting signals at the crossing of the railway crossing without a barrier. As a result, the locomotive of the train hit the car, and the driver Daewoo Lanos, a resident of Melitopol, born in 1985, was hospitalized with injuries to a local hospital.

The police opened a criminal case under the article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine Violation of the rules of road safety or the operation of vehicles by persons driving vehicles.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, in the regional center of Lyuboml in the Volyn region there was a traffic accident involving two cars, resulting in the death of one person.

Источник: УРА-Информ