Ukrainians fought for Yakutia

02 October 2017, 18:28 | Policy 
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Active participant of events on the Maidan in 2014. in Ukraine, an original comment on the referendum in Catalonia on the withdrawal of the region from Spain. According to him, Kiev needs to consider separatist sentiments in "Catalonia, Ireland, Yakutia or Quebec (. ) from the point of view of Ukrainian interest ".

He advised such "emotions and abstractions" as "historical justice", "people's right to self-determination", "ethnoplasm" and so on put aside. "Our, Ukrainian, interest at the moment is a united West, opposed to the Kremlin horde. That's the point of view that should be considered events in Spain. Now, if this happened in Yakutia - I would have called for the creation of interbrigades to protect the young republic, "wrote the Ukrainian nationalist in his Facebook.

Today's post-Maidan policies of Nezalezhnaya have been discussing for a while the territorial integrity of Russia. So, on May 10, the Minister of Infrastructure of the country Vladimir Omelyanzayvil, that the air communication between the Russian Federation and Ukraine will be restored only after the "return" of the Kuban under the control of Kiev. In response, the governor of the Krasnodar Territory Veniamin Kondratiev advised the official not to tease the Cossacks.

Recall, Yakutia is the largest Russian region by territory.

According to Article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, public calls for actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of Russia are punishable by a fine, forced labor or imprisonment for up to 4 years.
