The head coach of the German football club at a press conference shouted the Nazi salute

02 October 2017, 16:24 | Sports 
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Head coach of the football club "Teutonia 05" Bert Em, who represents the 5th division of the German championship, at the post-match press conference allowed himself one unusual thing.

On a question from the journalist, the coach of the team did not find another answer other than "Zig Haile", which in Germany was called the "Nazi salute". Most likely, the coach was very outraged by the defeat of his charges.

Two days after this case, the head coach of the team was fired, which is reported on the official website of the team.

"These two words were used in our society and in sport, and in a peaceful existence they contradict the values ??of the club. "Teutonic 05" separates itself from a similar manifestation of racism, fascism and nationalism, "reads the official statement.

Nevertheless, after a while Bert Em in the social network brought his apologies.

"In my 35-year career as a coach, I worked with players of different cultures, made friends with them and recognized outstanding people. Football, after all, characterizes its multicultural difference, and I've always loved this sport, "- said the coach.

Источник: ТСН.ua