North Korea banned the player Perugia to speak on TV

28 September 2017, 12:46 | Football 
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Perugia striker Kwan Song Khan does not come to the telecast due to the ban of the authorities of North Korea.

Kwan Song Khan in six games of Serie B marked five goals. He was invited to the TV show "La Domenica Sportiva" on Rai Sport, but he will not be able to use the invitation from the North Korean forward.

A few hours before the departure to Milan, where the program is filmed, Kwan received a call from North Korea, forbidding him to do it.

"There was a call from one of the ministers and it all broke," - said the president of Perugia Massimiliano Santopadre.

"Negotiations were impossible, because Pyongyang wants to have exclusive access to Khan. The position of their government has become even more rigid, football players are forbidden to appear on TV, otherwise they will be returned to their homeland. Khan is scared ".

It is worth noting that during the air Santopadre said that "the player closed in his room - he is only 19 and he is not ready to appear on television" and only a few days later revealed the real reasons for the lack of a football player.
