Khatskevich: The plan for the game and the composition in the head is already there

27 September 2017, 23:48 | Football 
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Head coach of Dynamo Alexander Khatskevich commented on the future match with Partizan in the European League.

- The group of players who participated in the game with Veres gave more rest. In general, they paid more attention to theoretical work. The match with Veres was sorted out with an emphasis on the game on the defensive, because we have allowed quite a lot of the opponent in this game. Based on how Partizan builds his attacking actions, if we play like that in defense, our gates may have problems.

- Why, in your opinion, this season, Partizan is better on the road than at home?.

- We watched their last matches, in particular, with Young Boys in the European League and in the championship. Match with Videoton? He was not accented, as part of Partizan was a big change, and we decided that this duel is not indicative.

- Why did not Mbokani come to Belgrade? And on whom of the attackers will you expect tomorrow?.

- After playing with Veres, Diemerci made an MRI that revealed certain problems. I do not know if he will prepare for the game with Dawn, but until he can not even get any physical activity. Yesterday we already modeled the game, we planned how we will build it. In the head of the composition is, tomorrow you will see for yourself.

- Did you take Roman Vantukha with him, so that he simply joined the atmosphere, or are you going to let him out on the field?.

- I look forward to it in tomorrow's game, he has been training with the first team for a long time and looks quite confidently both in the position of the extreme midfielder and the defender.

- What words will you find for the guys, considering that the game will take place at empty stands?.

- It will be difficult for both teams. Partizan now has no advantage of his field, because there is always just a crazy support, the whole stadium is sick. But even without fans we will be uncomfortable playing. I'll tell you the same thing as Vitalik Buyalsky: in the atmosphere, when a full stadium, any athlete play nicer. This year we already had enough matches without fans, so, to some extent, we are ready for this psychologically.

- What is characteristic for the Serbian clubs and Partizan, in particular?.

- In this team there are enough physically strong players, especially in defense, plus, there are technical players in the attack. The presence of experienced players, a combination of their strengths and technical qualities speaks in favor of this team. And who exactly tomorrow they will leave on the field - this is another question. They have interesting players in the team who will need to pay special attention.

- What result will be acceptable for you tomorrow?.

- We have a task, and the team knows about it - it's a victory in every match. So a good result of a cavern is only a victory.

- Coach Partizan said that his team will play aggressively. For you it will create problems?.

- Aggressive game creates problems for everyone. But we, ourselves, will also try to play aggressively tomorrow.

Partizan - Dynamo match will be held on September 28, at 22:05 Kiev time.
