Vladimir Shepelev: The game with Partizan will be fighting and interesting

27 September 2017, 16:05 | Football 
Владимир Шепелев, фото ФК Динамо

On the eve of the flight to Belgrade for a duel of the second round of the group round of the Europa League against Partizan, Dynamo midfielder Vladimir Shepelev gave an interview to the press service of the Kiev club.

- Everyone's military mood! We won the first match at Skenderbau, now we must continue in the same spirit to leave the group from the first place.

- What are the strengths and weaknesses of Partizan?.

- This is an experienced team, whose players have been performing at a high level for a long time. We are waiting for a difficult and combat, but at the same time an interesting game. All Balkan teams - with a character, so there will be a lot of struggle. Who will win - he will win the match.

- After a failure with Veres feel sports anger?.

- We must always set the maximum goals, and regardless of the previous result, win every next match.

- How do you feel about playing with empty stands?.

- It's always unpleasant to play without fans. But, given that it is necessary to play on the road, and the Serbian fans are very loud, this is to our advantage.

Partizan - Dynamo match will be held on Thursday, September 28, in Belgrade at the Partizan Stadium. The beginning of the match at 22:05. Live broadcast on Football 2.

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