Fans of Besiktas brought Werner to dizzy and forced to leave the field

27 September 2017, 15:19 | Football 
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Forward of Leipzig Timo Werner did not cope with the noise pressure that was exerted on his team by the Turkish stands.

In the group stage of the Champions League, Leipzig lost to Besiktas with a score of 0: 2 on the road.

Already at the 32 minute of the match the field was abandoned by the leader of the attacks of the German team Timo Werner, the fault of which were the fans of the hosts.

As reported by The Telegraph, Timo was unable to cope with the incredible noise of the stands, to escape from which even the gags in the ears that the player put on did not help. As a result, the striker began to feel very dizzy and asked to be replaced at the 32nd minute of the match.

Leaving the field, Werner felt a strong pain in his ears and tried to cover them as tightly as possible.

Earlier, Tim commented on rumors about the interest in him from Real.
