Iran's Foreign Ministry snapped at Trump's decree

25 September 2017, 11:31 | Policy 
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Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that the inclusion of Iran in the list of countries whose citizens were banned from entering the US is offensive. In addition to Iran, the US authorities also banned the entry into the United States of the citizens of Libya, Chad, North Korea, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela and Somalia. President Donald Trump wrote in his Twitter microblogging that he thus cares about America's security.

In his turn, the Iranian Foreign Minister noted on Twitter that Trump's fake sympathy for the Iranians sounds insincere with the introduction of new and even more insulting restrictions against such remarkable citizens.

Restrictive measures against the citizens of North Korea, Chad and Venezuela will come into effect on October 18, then the ban on the entry of citizens of those countries from the list that can prove a close relationship with the residents of the United States will begin, RT. according to the source, the previous version of the "black" list excluded Sudan.

With respect to Venezuela, the ban applies to government officials, as well as those who enter the country on a business visa and tourist visa. Citizens of other countries from the list will not be able to enter the United States for any visa.

In August of this year, Trump approved an immigration reform project aimed at reducing legal immigration in the United States by 2 times: from a million to 500 thousand. person per year. The document also presupposes the introduction of property and language qualifications for entry into the United States.

In September, the US tightened the rules for the re-issuance of US visas, violators of the rules are threatened with deportation and refusal to renew visas.
