Ultras "Carpathians" staged riots and struck Fedetskiy

21 September 2017, 14:40 | Sports 
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Fans of the "Carpathians" after the defeat from "Prykarpattya" in the Cup of Ukraine staged riots.

As reported, angry fans stopped the match. This was at the 66th minute of the game after a missed second goal.

First the fans started throwing firecrackers and fire-fighters. To calm down their ultras, Igor Khudobyak and Artem Fedetsky decided, but it did not help. On the contrary, one of the fans hit Fedetskiy.

And after the game, the fans fought with the police, resulting in two people were injured.

Later the fans also stopped the bus of their team on their way home, demanding an explanation of the situation.

Recall that the game ended with a score of 2: 1 in favor of "Prykarpattya".

Источник: ТСН.ua