Theresa May calls on the world community to strengthen the fight against terrorism

21 September 2017, 13:37 | Policy 
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According to her, the UN should also monitor the activities of other states, since often the financing of terrorist groups occurs through "dummy" persons, who are the leaders of other states.

May believes that countries that support Hezbollah terrorists - undermine security in the Middle East, or separatists in the east of Ukraine - undermine stability in the eastern region of Europe.

Such states can influence the process and the course of elections in different countries with the help of cyber attacks, which was confirmed by the recent elections in the United States and Great Britain.

"Both globally and on the European continent, the UK" will remain steadfast in its commitment and responsibility for providing security, "the British Premier.

As reported in URA-Inform, British Prime Minister Teresa May believes that her cadence is necessary for the country until the end of the Brexit settlement process.

Источник: УРА-Информ