Wenger: Wilshire has a very strong football intelligence

20 September 2017, 16:25 | Football 
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Arsenal's head coach Arsene Wenger commented on the return to the line-up of midfielder Jack Wilshere.

In the current off-season, the British media predicted the departure of Wilshire from Arsenal.

However, Jack decided to stay in the London club and continue to fight for a place in the lineup. As it turned out, the player believes in the mentor and "Gunners" Arsene Wenger.

"Jack is good at coping with pressure. He was like this from a young age, but now he has become an even more mature and patient football player, "Wenger said..

"He had a difficult fate, but he went through all the difficulties and knows that life is a complicated thing".

"Jack perfectly understands the game and has a very strong football intelligence. He was always full of common sense, but he has an impulsive character ".

"Now Wilshire is fully laid out in training. He is focused on getting his place back in the first team. We expect real competition, which will benefit the team, "- summed up Arsen.

Wilshire will be able to enter the field in the English League Cup match against Doncaster Rovers, which starts today at 21:45 Kiev time.

Источник: football.ua