Working Japanese for an extra hour of sleep are ready to refuse dinner

16 September 2017, 13:00 | Health 
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Working Japanese women are ready to refuse lunch or pay 1083 yen (about $ 10) for the opportunity to sleep in the morning for 1 hour longer, one of the largest energy drinks companies in Japan Pokka Corporation came to such conclusions as a result of the poll released on Monday "Morning hours running women".

An average working Japanese sleeps 6 hours 18 minutes a day. Most women answered that they do not sleep enough on average 2 hours a day, and at least for one extra hour are ready to refuse lunch, that in monetary terms, according to the same poll, an average of 1083 yen (about 10 dollars).

On average, a Japanese woman gets up at 6. 54, and goes to work at 8. 24. More than a third of women (37.3%) answered that most of the morning they have makeup. In general, the time spent on food is 21.5%, on the morning bath - 10.8%.

The only thing that Japanese women can not sacrifice, if they wake up, is makeup.

The survey was conducted among 507 working women aged 26-44 years to study the market to update the range of energy drinks of the company.

sportzal. com.


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