EBRD is satisfied with the results of Ukrainian reforms

15 September 2017, 09:59 | Policy 
фото с УРА-Информ

This is reported by the press service of the government.

According to Chakrabarty, our state has achieved very much, but much remains to be done. Let's start to restore and it needs to continue, the president said..

Chakrabarta claims that Ukraine is the largest investor. The EBRD has already sponsored a number of projects related to the reconstruction of some municipal institutions, railways and state companies.

He is sure that foreign investors are interested in contributing to our economy, but first of all it is necessary to bring order in the country, since the free market is still "very young".

As reported in the "URA-Inform", recently, the EBRD provided our country with a loan of 500 million hryvnia.

Источник: УРА-Информ