Diseases of the pregnant woman, which threaten the future child

13 September 2017, 08:58 | Health 
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According to health services, which reflects daily targeted mailings to the Ministry of Health, most fetal deaths are due to diseases of the pregnant woman. In some cases, even emergency medical care and express delivery of medical equipment to the home are unable to correct the negative impact of the disease on the viability of the fetus.

What can be more terrible than the birth of a long-awaited child with vices? In this case, no courier delivery of flowers for the woman in labor, neither the help of a psychologist nor the support of relatives can not alleviate the suffering of the woman who gave birth to a sick child. Therefore, future mothers should pay attention to medical publications that are delivered by courier service, and do not forget about regular consultations with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

According to doctors, the greatest threat to the future of the child are such diseases as: rubella, toxoplasmosis, varicella and group B streptococci. For example, rubella, considered a childish disease, can cause the fetus severe vices of virtually all internal organs. The most frequent consequences of rubella are heart disease, deafness and blindness. In turn, toxoplasmosis is considered one of the reasons for the birth of a child Down, especially if the infection occurred for the first time 13-14 weeks of pregnancy. With a later infection with toxoplasmosis, the risk of having a dead child or disrupting pregnancy is very high. Varicella can adversely affect the formation of all internal organs of the fetus, and Group B streptococci are the main cause of development in the future child of pneumonia, meningitis, kidney disease and cerebral palsy.

Even chlamydia in 90% of women can cause a child with a disease, for example, with pneumonia and conjunctivitis.

And such diseases of a pregnant woman as: measles, borelliosis, lupus erythematosus, hepatitis, syphilis, Lim's disease and even ordinary flu can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

Given the foregoing, we can conclude that the main condition for the birth of a healthy child is the health of the future mother.

sportzal. com.

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