Yoga and Pilates often cause severe injuries

11 September 2017, 21:09 | Sports 
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As the British Independent writes, the ragged Albion fad with yoga and pilates is not as secure as it seems at first glance. The thing is that the lack of rules for training instructors leads to the fact that people are seriously injured. According to the English osteopaths and bone caries, their inmates were flooded with people injured by the neck, knees and back as a result of these types of fitness.

With the increasing popularity of yoga and pilates, the demand for classes exceeds the supply. Thus, the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY), which covers all forms of this exercise, has 2.1 thousand instructors training 500,000 people. A flourishing business was the Pilates. His popularity is so great that even Claudia Schiffer, who signed up for the band, had to wait for the turn of 13 weeks. But the body regulating the training does not exist, and there are no structures for the training of instructors, which means that anyone, even an inexperienced person can declare himself a coach.

Pilates includes exercises on the simulators and stretching exercises, which, if performed incorrectly, can lead to stretching of the muscles and tissues.

BWY controls some activities, for example, hatha yoga, but the two most fashionable species, astanga and bikram, do not fall under its control and are not regulated by anyone.

Osteopath Janet Thompson, working in northern London, said: "I see a bunch of people injuring themselves in yoga and Pilates. I am amazed that people declare themselves instructors, having no experience, no qualifications, and it is impossible to prevent them. Last week I spoke with a man who was fired from the City, and now he decided to become a yoga instructor, but he was never even in class ".

BWY President Monika Burton said: "The real training of yoga instructors takes 500 hours, but some clubs send aerobics instructors to one-day courses, and then put them in charge of yoga groups".

Alan Herdman, who brought the Pilates to Britain from America, is now also seeking the introduction of strict rules governing the training of medicus. en.

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