In the capital there was a fight at the SRT

11 September 2017, 16:26 | Kiev 
фото с УРА-Информ

Also, a man was diagnosed with a fractured nose. It is known that in the capital there was a fight at a service station (STO). This data was disseminated recently by the Metropolitan Police Communications Department. Employees of the station told that four people came to them immediately, who asked to change the auto lubricant.

To this, employees were asked to wait. The customers were angry and one even hit the face of an employee of the SRT. Then the attacker ran to the car for a bat and continued it by beating other employees. After that, the attackers also took the video of their attack.

As reported URA-Inform, in the spring in the capital was a fight in the trolleybus.

Источник: УРА-Информ