Attack on the military base in Somalia

11 September 2017, 14:15 | Incidents 
фото с УРА-Информ

According to the portal, militants attacked soldiers near the city of Balad-How on the border with Kenya. The militants sent a suicide bomber on a car that blew him up near the base building. Then the assault began.

As a result, 10 military and seven militants were killed, military officials confirm..

Many military men were injured by the explosion, but were able to repel Islamists. The militants failed to capture the base and they began to retreat, some of them taken into custody.

In Somalia, for a year now, the crisis has not subsided. The legitimate government is opposed by the militants al-Shababa, and the country itself is divided into several parts that are not controlled by the troops of the authorities.

As reported in "URA-Inform", recently in the capital of Somalia, Mogadishu, a suicide bomber blew up a car.

Источник: УРА-Информ