Dorn's ward about his scandalous interview with Russian TV: I'm worried about Ivan

10 September 2017, 07:12 | gossip 
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The ward of Ivan Dorn, the participant of the project "Voice of the Kraini-6" Constantine (Konstantin Dmitriev) commented on his scandalous interview with Russian TV, says "Secular Life".

According to Dmitriev, he did not discuss with his producer the situation that developed after talking to a Russian journalist. However, the artist confessed that he was worried about Dorn.

"We did not talk about this topic. I, of course, worry about Ivan and for his team, as a musician for a musician, "said Konstantin.

As for how Dmitriev's cooperation with Dorn develops, Konstantin shared that the producer gives him complete freedom of action.

"We rarely meet. He's really a very busy man. I have complete freedom of action, full creative freedom, "the artist confirmed..

Recall that on April 11 this year, Ivan Dorn gave an interview to Russian journalist Yuri Dudyu. During a conversation with him, Dorn described Russia's aggression in Ukraine as a "quarrel between two brothers" and disowned the help of the ATU. After that, the musician was hit by a concert in Odessa. Soon, Dorn wrote a verse under the symbolic name "11. 04. 17 - ? ".

Источник: ТСН.ua