Privatbank changed the order of currency sale in Privat24

01 September 2017, 22:02 | Technologies 
фото с InternetUA

Privatbank suspended sale of foreign currency for Privat24 clients.

This was written by the former first deputy chairman of the bank Oleg Gorokhovsky on his Facebook page.

"Tonight at night (31. 08. 2017) Privatbank suspends the sale of foreign currency to customers in Privat24 and other remote service channels, "- he wrote.

According to him, the purchase of currency from customers is still in this form, but within a week will be imposed restrictions on the time of operations.

As Ukrainian News reports with reference to the press service of the bank, now Privatbank is developing a new functionality for online currency purchase service, in connection with which the temporary acceptance of applications for this type of operations will be suspended.

Customers can purchase currency for the purpose of transfer abroad on the SWIFT-payments pages and Transfers.

Источник: InternetUA