North Korea ready to execute 4 journalists

31 August 2017, 19:08 | Policy 
фото с УРА-Информ

According to the portal, Pyongyang condemned the South Korean newspaper "Chosun Ilbo" and "Dong-A Ilbo" for publishing "untrue" reports the book of British journalists - "Secret North Korea". The authors of the publication are Danielolo Todor and James Pearson.

The creators of the work argue that the DPRK is not such a zealous communist state, and that the private sector in the country is slowly rising. "Northerners" are trying in all to imitate the fashion of "southerners", they buy on the black market products made in the countries of "decaying capitalism".

The very name of the book, the South Korean editorial offices were changed to the symbolic "Capitalist Republic of Korea," where the red star was replaced by the moneymark "green Banjamin" - the dollar.

The DPRK court handed all the guilty to journalists and editors the death penalty, without the right to defend and file an appeal.

As reported in "URA-Inform", recently from North Korea was returned home in a state of coma Otto Vormbier. A young man died in a hospital in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Источник: УРА-Информ