Kondogbia does not want to return to Inter

27 August 2017, 18:40 | Football 
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Newly-baked midfielder Valencia Joffrey Condogbia said he was going to stay in the Spanish team.

French midfielder moved to Inter Milan from Monaco in 2015 for 36 million euros. This summer, the Milan club sent him to rent in Valencia with a contract option included in the contract for 25 million euros.

According to the player himself, he hopes to remain in the camp of "bats".

"Three reasons led me to Valencia: the greatness of this club, their project, and good relations with the head coach Marcelino Toral.

"I want to stay here for many years, but at the moment it is necessary to focus on the tasks of this season".

"Now I'm a more accomplished football player, compared to the season 2012-2013, when I competed in the La Liga for Seville. I became stronger tactically and got a lot of experience, "- concluded Joffrey.

In the season that ended, Kondogbia scored 1 goal and 3 assists in 24 Serie A games.

Источник: football.ua