Plasticity and harmony of the body

27 August 2017, 17:39 | Sports 
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More than once you've heard the expression "Lady perfection" and, looking at yourself in the mirror, dream of such a title. Everything is in your hands and it is quite possible to achieve ideality not only in physical forms. After all, how pleasant to look at a girl who is not only slender like a doe, but also knows how to present herself in society. Sometimes you just can not take your eyes off a beautiful girl walking down the street. Do not despair, if nature has not given you grace, you can achieve it with the help of special art. This cardio striptease - which came to us from the moment of women's activation or more precisely emancipation.

Down with stiffness, yes - freedom of movement!.

As soon as fashion has brought a woman freedom in clothes, that is, not in the everyday dress of tight corsets, long skirts and a lot of details in her underwear, it's time to see the female beauty. So, a new art appeared - strip-tease, which in English means "seduction". Initially, this dance enjoyed success only from professionals and it could be seen by "elected", attending special institutions. Gradually, this kind of art has grown into a public type of cultivation. And to date, cardio striptease is considered one of the directions in aerobics, a new trend in fitness culture.

If you do not like simple jumps and grueling workouts, a new kind of fitness should appeal to you. Each time, during the class, you will receive a lot of new experiences and enjoy it. All exercises cardio striptease are designed not only to improve posture, but also to help in personal relationships with your man. This is really so, because some body movements have erotic notes and help a woman to feel herself a real woman, to be confident in her abilities and natural potential.

Cardio-striptease is considered a special dance, representing a magnificent bouquet of combined physical exercises from modern choreography, as well as classical aerobics, which includes jazz elements and stretching (stretching). The technique of execution consists of two types of movements. These can be exercises with energetic elements, for example, torso torso, turns, alternating legs with legs. And the opposite - dance, plastic and erotic movements.

In classes with cardio striptease, beauty lies not only in dance, but in dressing. Therefore, do not think that for this type of fitness nakedness is necessary, on the contrary. You choose the outfit yourself, the main thing is that it is comfortable and you feel your body well. To him, depending on the scenario of the dance, the accessories are selected. It can be a hip bandage, a scarf, a neck scarf, an original cane or a hat.

And most importantly, to engage in such a dance can all without exception from 18 to .... years.

Sportzal. Com.


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