Groisman announced the growth of teachers' salaries

22 August 2017, 13:40 | Economy 
фото с УРА-Информ

So, the salary of teachers should be increased by 25 percent. Such a message came from the Ukrainian Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman. The Prime Minister today - August 22 - conducted an audit of the activities of the city's social services center.

As he said - now it is necessary to provide increase of the salary to the Ukrainian teachers. For this reason, in the state budget for 2018. There will be a new rise. Groisman is convinced that within 25 percent there will be an increase already in 2018. He also added that salary is one of the main tasks of the state budget for the next year.

As reported URA-Inform, for May in Ukraine, the salary grew by an average of 181 hryvnia.

Источник: УРА-Информ