The National Bank on Tuesday strengthened the national currency

22 August 2017, 08:33 | Economy 
фото с УРА-Информ

100 dollars - 2544.3168 UAH;.

100 euros - 2992.3710 UAH;.

10 Russian rubles - 4,3021 UAH.

At the same time, the regulator set for August 22 the following official (accounting) rates of banking metals for 10 troy ounces:.

Gold - 1061.503150;.

Silver - 14,055,019;.

Platinum - 799.046956;.

Palladium - 759.709267 / Recall, the National Bank of Ukraine set on Monday, August 21, 2017 official exchange rates at the level of:.

100 dollars - 2549.0401 UAH;.

100 euros - 2992.5731 UAH;.

10 Russian rubles - 4,2941 UAH.

Recall, as reported by URA-Inform, the National Bank on August 4, 2017, decided to keep the discount rate at the previous level of 12.5%. The corresponding decision of the NBU Board approved the resolution of August 3, 2017 No. 493-rsh "On the size of the discount rate".

Источник: УРА-Информ