Juventus wants to rent Sanccia

19 August 2017, 17:13 | Football 
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A lacking game practice midfielder with a high probability of next season will be rented in another club.

As reported by La Gazzetta dello Sport, to sign the 20-year-old Portuguese is ready Juventus, who has already entered into negotiations with Bavaria.

The problem in the transaction may be the fact that in the "bianco-neri" Sanchez will not play as often as we would like to Munich. Nevertheless, the Turinians are confident that the player will be useful to them in the course of the next season.

In addition to Sanczes, Juventus is interested in his compatriot Andre Gomes, who still can not find himself in Barcelona.

Earlier it was reported that Bayern still believes in talent Renata and does not intend to sell it to another club, considering only the option of renting.

Источник: football.ua