President Lazio: Juventus' actions against Keith - extortion, almost a crime

19 August 2017, 16:31 | Football 
Бальде Кейта, getty images

Keith's contract with Lazio expires at the end of last season. The club has already managed to reject several offers. The player was not in the application for a duel for the Italian Super Cup against Juventus.

"To begin with, I want to say that it's not true that we did not offer Balde to extend the contract," said Loto La Gazzetta dello Sport.

"We met twice with his agent Roberto Calenda and Keith's brother there also attended. Lazio offered Balde the same salary as that of Miroslav Klose - 2 million euros per season, this is the highest salary for my presidency in Lazio. In response, we heard that the player wants to leave Lazio ".

"We had three proposals for Keith, I can confirm them documented. Milan would give us 35 million euros, West Ham - 32, and Napoli - 30. Keita and his agent reported that they are not interested in any of these three clubs, they only want a transfer to Juventus. And Juventus believes that 15 million euros will be enough. But I can not sell a player twice cheaper than the minimum amount that I was offered for it! If I was given 30 million, then why should I agree to 15? ".

"You say that the Balde contract ends and I can lose it for free?" Well, I will say that Juventus' actions against Keith are extortion, almost a crime. We will consider appealing to the court. The contract must be respected and not only in the case when the football player does not play ".

"It would also be untrue to say that Keita stopped being in the squad due to the club dictatorship. It was exclusively the choice of Simone Inzaghi. I was told that Balde was not inclined to play, showed himself below his standards in training. What a coincidence that it was a game against Juventus! Inzaghi will decide whether to use Keita this season or not. It does not matter whether his contract ends or not - it's more important to follow the rules ".

In the 1st round of Serie A Lazio at home will play against Spal. The game is scheduled for 21:45 Kiev time.

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