The oldest crypto-exchange services supported the "killer bitcoin"

19 August 2017, 12:17 | Technologies 
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Two oldest crypto-currency services - Bitcoin-purse Blockchain and online exchange Bitstamp - announced the support of Ethereum, which in terms of market capitalization ranked 2nd after Bitcoin. Starting this week, Bitstamp users can trade "air" for the US dollar, euro or bitcoin, and Blockchain - to create wallets.

"The community around Ethereum, the ecosystem and the technology have grown very much over the past year, so we were confident in the need to recommend it to our users. We are very excited about the potential that Ethereum bears in us, "said Head of Blockchain Peter Smith. In turn, the head of Bitstamp Neych Kodrich called the "ether" a "very promising" currency. Until October 1, the Exchange will be able to trade Ethereum without commission for transactions.

The recognition in the financial circles of Ethereum - the crypto currency created by the Canadian programmer with Russian roots by Vitalik Buterin in 2014 - continues to grow. Earlier support for digital "coins" was expressed by the private Swiss bank Falcon Private Bank, and the Swiss service for exchange of crypto-currencies Shapeshift. Io allowed its users to directly transfer funds between Bitcoin- and Ethereum-purses.

At the beginning of the year, the analytical company CoinMarketCap estimated the market of Crypto-currency at $ 20 billion, now - more than $ 140 billion. Bitcoin accounts for about $ 71 billion, on Ethereum - $ 28 billion.

Источник: InternetUA