In Ukraine, the heat returns, rains will only pass in the west

16 August 2017, 09:06 | The Company 
фото с УРА-Информ

In some areas, except in the eastern and most central regions, a slight short rain is expected, a thunderstorm. The wind is mostly northeast, 5-10 meters per second. The air temperature during the day will be 27-32 hot degrees.

In Kiev today without precipitation. The air temperature at night will be kept within 17-19 degrees. In the afternoon the air will warm up to 29-31 degrees.

In the west of the country in places there will be a small short rain, thunderstorms. The air temperature at night will be 10-18 warm degrees. In the afternoon, thermometer bars will show from 24 to 31 degrees with a plus sign.

In the north of Ukraine on Wednesday, a slight short rain, a thunderstorm. The night air temperature at night will not fall below 13-20 degrees. In the afternoon the air will be heated up to 26-32 degrees.

In the center of Ukraine during the day of precipitation weather forecasters do not promise. At night it will be warm - 15-21 degrees. The day will be hot - 29-34 degrees.

It's hot and dry in the east of the country today. The night temperature will be 16-21 degrees of heat. In the afternoon, thermometer bars will rise to 28-34 degrees above zero.

In the south of Ukraine in places a small short rain, thunderstorms. The air temperature at night will not fall below 15-22 degrees. In the afternoon the air will warm up to 27-34 degrees.

In Crimea, too, there will be a small temporary rain, thunderstorms today. The air temperature at night will be 16-21 degrees warm. The day will be hot up to 29-34 degrees.

Источник: УРА-Информ