A floating solar power station appeared in China

16 August 2017, 08:43 | The Company 
фото с УРА-Информ

This is reported by People's Daily Online.

As noted, the solar power plant is located near the city of Huainan in Anhui Province. In particular, it consists of more than 1200 solar panels occupying 86 hectares of water surface.

In addition, it is able to generate 40 MW of electricity and provide energy to 15,000 homes per year.

According to the publication, the service life of the station is 25 years. Also interesting is the fact that it is developed using technologies that are able to withstand aggressive environments, including heat, salt and moisture.

By the way, the world's largest solar power plant was opened on the Tibetan plateau in February this year.

Recall, as previously reported, "URA-Inform", in the north of China in Shanxi, Panda Green Energy company built the world's first solar power plant in the form of pandas.

Источник: УРА-Информ